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USA: Renovation of Hornell area youth centre

Economic & social  development

USA: Renovation of Hornell area youth centre

Objective: To renovate an adult-supervised year-round facility for 8-19 year olds from disadvantaged backgrounds

  • Status

    Project completed

  • Location USA

The Hornell Area Concern for Youth (HACFY) is a year-round facility for 8-19 year olds from disadvantaged backgrounds to go after school and during holidays. HACFY, located near Alstom's Hornell facility, keeps its youth off the streets through the programs offering including meals, extended learning, mentoring, drug & violence prevention lessons and more. 

The place now needs renovation and rebuilding. The project's scope will cover electrics, plumbing, bathrooms, kitchen, counselling room and staff break room.

Partner: Renovation of the Hornell Area Concern for Youth (HACFY) 

Sponsor: Matt Shick - Vice President Human Resources NAM

  • Promoter

    Brad Myers - Q+D - Hornell

  • Duration

    7 months