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USA: Palm Beach County Autism Project

Economic & social  development

USA: Palm Beach County Autism Project

Objective: An eco-garden and vocational training for children and young adults diagnosed with autism

  • Status

    Project completed

  • Location West Palm Beach, Florida, USA

The Alstom Foundation teamed up with the Els Autism Foundation for this project in the Els Center of Excellence of the Jupiter School, which welcomes autistic children in Florida. The program incorporated volunteerism and eco-friendly features focused at helping children with autism.

PSM employees, a former Alstom company specialised in full scope turbine services, was involved in the project as volunteers to provide vocational training to older autistic pupils, thanks to a room dedicated to them with computers and learning materials. It can prepare them for real-world tasks with the intent to be employed by PSM or gain value in the market world.

For the youngest children, a hydroponic garden was set up to enable them to grow fresh vegetables and fruits. Thanks to the involvement of the Els Foundation and the weekly lessons provided by PSM employees, some children improved their social skills. 

Partner: Els Autism Foundation 

Project Sponsor: Alexander Hoffs, PSM Managing Director