Sweden: FemHoppet
Sweden: FemHoppet
Project completed
- Location Sweden - Stockholm, Västerås, Södertälje
FemHoppet builds on employment market inclusion project Framtidshoppet (‘Hope for the future’), created in partnership with Nordisk Kompetens.
The method developed for migrant communities rests on 4 pillars:
- Mentorship program
- Employment support & job match
- Collaboration
- Communication. NGO intends to apply Framtidshoppet method to women (20-25y) who arrived in Sweden as unaccompanied minors (10,000 women have arrived in Sweden as children in last 21y from Somalia, Afghanistan, Syria, Eritrea). Methodology connects civil society, private sector & NGOs to create an inclusive employment market for young migrant women. Specific psychosocial needs of the young women addressed first to create safe environments for personal growth through peer to peer trainings.
Ganesh Chandramouli - Head of Innovation, Straetgy & Portfolio, Vasteras
Initiate date • Duration
06.09.2022 • 11 months