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Spain: Entrepreneurship for groups who are at risk of exclusion from the labor market

Economic & social  development

Spain: Entrepreneurship for groups who are at risk of exclusion from the labor market

Helping people reintegrate into society by means of entrepreneurship

  • Status

    Project completed

  • Location Barcelona, Spain

In certain communities in Barcelona, the symptoms of deprivation and poverty are plenty. Perhaps the most obvious are the physical signs of poor housing and unattractive living environment. People living in such areas often find themselves excluded from mainstream society and are recipients of poor quality services.

Alstom Foundation and its partner NGO Action Against Hunger believe that absence of dignified and stable employment is the biggest contributing factor to this exclusion. Therefore, this project aims to lay emphasis on entrepreneurship (and labor market inclusion in general) as a means to reintegrate into the society. Trainings will be conducted on how to set up your own business and expert advice will be dispensed on how to develop and grow your business from an abstract idea on paper. To make their ideas come alive, participants will have access to seed funding and mentors until they are ready to take the reins into their own hands.

Partner: Acción contra el hambre (Action against hunger)

  • Promoter

    Jose Antonio Rodriguez – Human Resources Director, Spain & Portugal

  • Initiate date • Duration

    28.09.2018 • 9 months