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South Africa: Refurbishing the Nndebele high school in Duduza

Economic & social  development

South Africa: Refurbishing the Nndebele high school in Duduza

Objective: To convert high school classrooms into a technical school in a disadvantaged township near Alstom's new South African site

  • Status

    Project completed

  • Location Johannesburg, South Africa

In Duduza township, East of Johannesburg near Alstom's Ubunye site, the Nndebele secondary school has two classrooms which are ready to be used for technical subjects, but lacks the funds and knowledge to install the technical equipment. This project aims to refurbish this school with technical equipment to become a technical school that can offer welding and technical drawing subjects. The strong Alstom local presence offers volunteering opportunities for its employees, to become teachers and mentors within the school. It provides a great opportunity also for Alstom resources, as the school could become a source of Alstom recruits in the future.

Partner NGO: Electriciens Sans Frontières (ESF)

Sponsor: Y. Eriau CEO Ubunye & MD S. Africa

  • Promoter

    N. Dorfling HRBP S. Africa

  • Duration

    1 year