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South Africa: Phumelela and outreach project Phase 3

Economic & social  development

South Africa: Phumelela and outreach project Phase 3

  • Status


  • Location Mackenzieville

1/ Phumelela program ("Succeed“) aims to train 30 women & unemployed youth out of school in entrepreneurship, self-development, computer literacy, financial literacy & assist them in creating Income Generating Activities (IGA). The NGO to disburse installments (capital) to create & develop those IGAs.

2/ Outreach project targets 260 at-risk students (10-14y) to prepare them for high school through digital education & life skills. Meals & school materials are also supplied. Both projects’ beneficiaries to receive mental health support in dealing with social & psychological issues. Both to be involved in starting or continuing growing vegetable gardens - the first step in eradicating poverty in their households.

Partner NGO: Association François-Xavier Bagnoud (FXB)

  • Promoter

    Tsiliso Mokhachane - Logistics Operator, Nigel

  • Initiate date • Duration

    12.09.2023 • 12 months