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South Africa: Phumelela and outreach project (Phase 2)

Economic, social  development & support

South Africa: Phumelela and outreach project (Phase 2)

  • Status


  • Location South Africa - Mackenzieville

This entrepreneurship development program is aimed at creating a conducive environment:

  • for 30 women to access and be provided with relevant entrepreneurial skills (Computer literacy, financial literacy & assist in Income Generating Activities), knowledge, values & attitudes to start and succeed in running small business ventures (Phumelela "Succeed" initiative)
  • for 260 6th & 7th grade-adolescents (12-14y) to access senior high school education (Outreach initiative) focusing on digital & psychosocial support. Meals & school materials to be supplied also. Both groups (Women & youth) will be involved in starting or continuing growing vegetable gardens, the first step in eradicating poverty in their households

Learn more about the first phase of the project


  • Promoter

    Tsiliso Mokhachane - Logistics Operator, Nigel

  • Initiate date • Duration

    06.09.2022 • 12 months