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Romania: Pathway to social inclusion and employment for disadvantaged people

Economic & social  development

Romania: Pathway to social inclusion and employment for disadvantaged people

Bridging the gap between skills and labor market requirements for 25 disadvantaged people

  • Status

    Project completed

  • Location Bucharest, Romania

The aim of the project is to help excluded and poverty-stricken people enter the labor market. Those undergoing the work integration program will be motivated people who despite starting life off on the wrong foot, are working towards rebuilding their lives, exclusion and discrimination notwithstanding.

The participants are recommended to Ateliere Fara Frontiere by social partners (public authorities and NGOs). Ateliere Fara Frontiere and its social partners work together throughout the program – the partner organisation works on integration, training and career counseling while the social partners keep following up on social, medical and psychological matters. 

The beneficiaries are selected for having a real and strong motivation to get back on track. A single contact point would be created for the participants, with trained professionals such as a social assistant, psychotherapist and labor market expert being easily accessible. Motivational counselling and professional training will be provided, and at least 10 new work-integration transition jobs will be created.

Partner: Asociata Ateliere Fara Frontiere

  • Promoter

    Angelica Mihaela Procopie – Human Resources Director

  • Initiate date • Duration

    28.09.2018 • 12 months