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Romania: Dignified jobs for at-risk youth

Economic & social  development

Romania: Dignified jobs for at-risk youth

Objective: Providing dignified jobs for at-risk youth in Romania

  • Status

    Project completed

  • Location Bucharest and Ploiesti, Romania

NESst NGO supports social enterprises that provide employment, skills training and job placements to vulnerable young people. With support from the Alstom Foundation, NESsT will provide long-term funding, business acumen, and business network access to CONCORDIA bakery, a growing social enterprise.

With the financial support from the Alstom Foundation and the volunteering resources of local Alstom employees, paired with the expertise and mentorship of NESsT Romania, CONCORDIA has the potential to impact the lives of 30 at-risk youth in 2017.

Partner NGO: NESst Empowers

Sponsor: A E Cojanu  Comms Dir - Bucharest

  • Promoter

    A Procopie HRD Bucharest

  • Duration

    1 year