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Philippines: Preventing ocean plastic

Environmental protection

Philippines: Preventing ocean plastic

  • Status

    Project completed

  • Location Philippines

The project addresses ocean pollution with plastic waste through running an education program at 10 schools in Manila for preventing ocean plastic pollution and setting up collection points for plastic collection. This allows for awareness raising and an increase in environmental consciousness through the establishment of eco-clubs within the schools.

It will also empower children to access online education (50 teachers to be trained and onboarded) and schools will be able to get tablets for each 100 kg of plastic waste collected. Two hundred tablets will be given to deserving children accessing online education and attending training workshops on digital literacy.

Partner: Plastic Bank Foundation

  • Promoter

    Camella Cabase - OCS Site Engineer, Makati

  • Initiate date • Duration

    21.10.2021 • 9 months