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Peru: Amazonian native tree planting for poverty relief

Environmental protection

Peru: Amazonian native tree planting for poverty relief

Objective: To enable communities to adopt environmentally-friendly farming

  • Status


  • Location Peru

Peru is vulnerable to the impacts of climate change including floods or severe droughts. ~90% of deforestation in Peru is caused by smallholder farmers from low-income communities, cutting down the rainforest and burning the land to create farmland for crops and cattle. But this destroys nutrient-rich soils and land becomes so degraded that crops begin to fail. Families are then forced to abandon their land and cut down more of the rainforest to create farmland.

The project aims to enable communities to adopt environmentally-friendly farming (agroforestry) through planting native Amazon trees alongside crops and fruit-bearing orchard trees. This will involve equipment, new techniques, practices and trainings, to reduce deforestation and protect biodiversity while improving livelihoods, food security and resilience to extreme weather.

Partner: Plant Your Future

  • Promoter

    Guruprakash VR - SCADA SubSystem Lead, Bangalore

  • Initiate date • Duration

    21.10.2021 • 12 months