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Panama: Renewing Panama's education

Economic & social  development

Panama: Renewing Panama's education

Objective: To rehabilitate a Panama school housing 1,200 students

  • Status

    Project completed

  • Location El Reino de los Paises Bajos school

Alstom Panama plans to align with the El Reino de los Paises Bajos school to provide sanitary services, rehabilitation of classrooms and other general facilities. The project will impact around 700 families/1,200 students directly; and students and staff will receive comprehensive education so that all improvements made are sustainable in the long term. With the project location being close to an Alstom project site, there is an opportunity for Alstom employees to volunteer.

Partner: Fundacion Unidos por la Educacion - Facebook page

Sponsor: Xavier Boisgontier (Alstom North LAM MD)

Promoter: Edgar Esquivel (Alstom Finance)

  • Duration

    1 year