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Morocco: Envol des femmes - Phase 2

Economic, social  development & support

Morocco: Envol des femmes - Phase 2

  • Status


  • Location Ouarzazate Region

The project aims to improve the living conditions of 173 rural young women farmers and limit their vulnerability to climate change. The goal to set up their own farms, improve their practices & manage their activity. Phase 2 of the project aims to:

1/ Strengthen technical skills to produce resilient livestock (breeding techniques, animal health & vaccination campaigns, agroecological practices, micro-credit, food hygiene)

2/ Develop entrepreneurial capacity through management skills (training in farm economic monitoring tools, in personal development to improve ability to speak out & negotiate, and facilitate decision-making), meetings between mentors & mentees for intergenerational dialogue

3/ Strengthen economic & collective dynamics of the Corosa (cheese-making) & Lkssiba (sheep products) cooperatives to become self-sufficient & diversify production (soaps & creams) through trainings in budget management, strategic plan writing, collective sales structuring).

  • Promoter

    David Simon - Rolling Stock System Engineer, Valenciennes

  • Initiate date • Duration

    10.09.2024 • 12 months