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Mexico: Renewable energy sources (hybrid system)

Economic & social  development

Mexico: Renewable energy sources (hybrid system)

Objective: To help a rural community in Mexico to produce its own energy source through a hybrid system.

  • Status

    Project completed

  • Location Ejutla, Oaxaca state, Mexico

Objective: To help a rural community in Mexico to produce its own energy source through a hybrid system

The rural town of Ejutla, Oaxaca, a poor community with a population of about 300 people, has little or no access to electricity, and is thus deprived of the many possibilities it affords. As building infrastructure to connect small, isolated communities is rarely considered a worthy investment by struggling public finances, access to electricity would require the town having its own energy source.

The Alstom Foundation is providing the people of Ejutla with just that. Through a project set in place with partners ITSEM and GRUPEDSAC, the townspeople will be educated to build hybrid photovoltaic systems that can be easily replicated anywhere in the country. Three systems will be built during the training phase and the trainees will then build 15 systems.
The techniques for constructing the systems will then be passed to GRUPEDSAC for replication in other parts of Mexico.

Instituto technologico y de estudios superiors de Monterrey (ITSEM) is a world-recognized university that prepares their alumni to prompt the development of their communities.

Visit the ITSEM website
The Grupo para Promover la Educación y el Desarrollo (GRUPEDSAC) is an NGO with a mission to educate, train and carry out actions that contribute to the development of sustainable communities.

Visit the GRUPEDSAC website 

  • Duration

    8 months