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Indonesia: Bridging communities

Economic & social  development

Indonesia: Bridging communities

Objective: Alstom funded and erected a bridge in Sengkang, a remote part of southwest Indonesia.

  • Status

    Project completed

  • Location Sengkang, Indonesia

Objective: building a bridge to facilitate education and local economy in Indonesia 

Thanks to a bridge Alstom funded and had erected in Sengkang, in a remote part of southwest Indonesia, children, farmers and traders are no longer travelling 14 km out of their way to cross the Cenranae river, which was often perilous to ford. 

Women are getting their silk wares to market faster, providing support to an important local industry. 

The project was vital to the community because the schools are located on the other bank of the river. So local residents helped to build it.

  • Duration

    1 year