India: Skill development for a better life
India: Skill development for a better life
Objective: To train 20 women to cut, sew and embroider material to produce hand crafted goods
Project completed
- Location Karnataka, southern India
The purpose of the project was to impart skills to a group of 20 women in rural Karnataka to cut, sew and embroider material to produce hand crafted goods. The key activities include:
- Procuring and setting up machinery for the training and serial production unit
- Enabling these women to manufacture products/goods out of jute
These products will then be sold by the Partner NGO, Pankh Handicrafts, profits from which will be put back into the system to train more women.
Partner: Pankh Handicrafts
Sponsor: Ravneet Bhanot (Alstom HR)
Jean-Alexis Benoit (Alstom Sourcing)
1 year