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India: Resourceful women micro-enterprise development

Economic & social  development

India: Resourceful women micro-enterprise development

Objective: To empower Indian women who live below the poverty line

  • Status

    Project completed

  • Location India

In a region where Alstom is present (through the Chennai metro project), this project aims to set up and train 600 'Self-Help' Groups (SHGs)  of 12-20 women each. This will help & empower 8,400 women who live below the poverty line in four villages.

They will be trained on how to set up a micro enterprise and handle micro-credits.



Partner: SEVAI (Society for Education, Village Action and Improvement)

Sponsor: Mohamed Faizal Usman - TIS Project Eng. Manager Bangalore


  • Promoter

    Yuvarani Loganathan - TIS Bid technical Manager - Bangalore

  • Duration

    12 months