India: A la vie à la terre
India: A la vie à la terre
- Location Karur District
This project promotes development in remote areas of Tamil Nadu by empowering Dalit & tribal farmers to create a sustainable economic activity. The objective is to rehabilitate hydraulic infrastructure & involve farmers in water & soil conservation through:
1/ Increased water availability (Rehabilitation of 3 water tanks, construction of 4 gully plugs)
2/ Promotion of sustainable agriculture & environmental protection (Plantation of 2 000 trees, training of 250 farmers, purchase of 48 soil testing kits, creation of 24 vermicompost pits & 4 bio-fertilizers, training of 400 school children)
3/ Women empowerment though the creation & training of 40 new Joint Liability Groups and 200 women.
Partner NGO: Objectif France Inde (OFI)
Guillaume Schnebelen - Project Engineering Manager, Bangalore & Gilbert Husser - Software Architect, Charleroi
Initiate date • Duration
10.09.2024 • 12 months