France: L'Ouvre Boite
France: L'Ouvre Boite
Project completed
- Location Lyon, Nice, Marseille, Nantes
47% of youth are willing to embark on entrepreneurship (Peak at 70% in so-called sensitive districts), however there is an overall poor knowledge of the topic, meaning that 70% also fail at year 3. L’Ouvre Boite is an integration program through entrepreneurship to develop the employability of youth with poor/no qualifications (18-30y) in creating their business project. It involves:
1/ A differentiated pedagogy with the methodological & economic concepts necessary to improve the project
2/ In-depth work on soft skills (Behavioural) to develop youth's projects & their employability
3/ A continuous support to stabilise personal situations & remove obstacles (Social isolation, housing, mobility, finances, health, administrative issues, etc)
4/ A real-life scenario to check on activity, consolidate skills & build up financial contribution.
Partner NGO: Fondation Apprentis d'Auteuil
Veronique Di-Piazza - Project Planning Team Leader, Villeurbanne
Initiate date • Duration
12.09.2023 • 12 months