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France: Housing and employability for disadvantaged young adults

Economic & social  development

France: Housing and employability for disadvantaged young adults

Objective: Breaking the cycle 'no home-no job' by embedding an asset-based culture in Apprentis d'Auteuil housing services to sustainably empower young adults

  • Status

    Project completed

  • Location France

The Alstom Foundation will fund this Fondation Apprentis d'Auteuil's project designed to support several hundred young adults in their transition period to an independent adulthood.

Building on the youth's individual strengths, this project aims to introduce an asset-based approach to youth housing services, and provide social residences in which people develop through peer-support communities.

Partner: Fondation Apprentis d'Auteuil

Sponsor: Arnaud de Monts - Director Concessions France

  • Promoter

    Elodie Armand - IS&T Design Authority - France

  • Duration

    20 months