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Egypt: Protecting the rights of street children

Economic & social  development

Egypt: Protecting the rights of street children

Objective: An improved protection of the rights of children and youth in street situations

  • Status

    Project completed

  • Location Egypt

Partner NGO Samusocial International will develop its support to children and youth living on the streets of Cairo by providing them with medical, social, psychological and legal services through its mobile units. Street outreach will be carried out five nights a week, visiting at least 19 sites, where such children are located with a rotation of two mobile teams each composed of a doctor, a social worker and/or a psychologist and a driver/social assistant. It intends also to refer cases to reception centres and shelters hosted by the partner NGOs.

Samusocial will also provide six trainings to employees (social workers, doctors, supervisors and psychologist) working in local partner NGOs, to enhance and improve the quality of services provided to the street children by other organisations. 

Partner NGO: Samu Social International

Sponsor: C. Ayad HRD Egypt

  • Promoter

    W. Donia HRBP Egypt

  • Duration

    1 year