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Ecuador: Social enterprises, youth & women at the service of associations & farmers for the improvement of sustainable production and the defense of the environment in the Amazon region

Economic & social  development

Ecuador: Social enterprises, youth & women at the service of associations & farmers for the improvement of sustainable production and the defense of the environment in the Amazon region

  • Status


  • Location Lago Agrio, Cascales & Shushufindi Cantons ​

Create a rural development model promoted by a social enterprise led by a new generation of farmers (Cocoa, coffee, banana) managing a bio-factory through a "Field School”:

1/ Implementation of bio-input production plant & microbiology lab (Technical studies & architectural plans for the plant) & training to staff in charge of production processes

2/ Generated local capacity in good agricultural practices

2.1/ Realisation of field school incl. purchase of materials & tools for 30 young people & women (Training modules on crop production with an agroforestry approach)

2.2/ Organisational & managerial strengthening of the social enterprise & associations (10-day course on admin & commercial issues, accompaniment for improvement, software set-up to automatise transactions & accountability processes).

Partner NGO: European Committee for Training & Agriculture (CEFA)

  • Promoter

    Andrea Santillan Jaramillo - Project Manager Associated, Quito

  • Initiate date • Duration

    12.09.2023 • 12 months