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Colombia: Pilot project for a micro-library in Paluato

Economic & social  development

Colombia: Pilot project for a micro-library in Paluato

Objective: Contribute to community development in a remote area of Colombia through implementing a library

  • Status

    Project completed

  • Location Paluato, Colombia

Remote Paluato is a disadvantaged area in Columbia lacking access to basic facilities and good education. Led by a Spanish NGO, this project focuses on education and reading promotion. It aims to collect resources in Spain, then deliver educational materials such as books and publications to the rural school in Paluato. Once the resources are delivered, a library will be implemented, providing books and training to the students, as well as reading clubs and seminars.

Partner: Microbibliotecas

Sponsor: O.M Blasco IXL Design Dept Head Madrid

  • Promoter

    J.R. Laso IXL Designer - Madrid

  • Duration

    11 months