Chile: Women in STEM Fields - Breaching the gender gap of technical-vocational education specialties
Chile: Women in STEM Fields - Breaching the gender gap of technical-vocational education specialties
Project completed
- Location Chile - Puente Alto, Lo Prado, Cerro Navia & Pudahuel
Strengthen women in STEM areas of Electricity & Industrial Mechanics (EIM) through awareness raising, trainings & specific accompaniment to educate communities welcoming them:
- Awareness-raising among Technical-Vocational Education (TVE) ecosystem through talks by Alstom females & video highlighting the need to integrate women in technical & professional practices
- Design of communication material & events to promote
- Gender perspective at schools
- Opportunities for training & employment in STEM areas for women (For students/families)
- Internships & virtual workshops with company employees to promote good practices
- Accompaniment plan with mentors to build capacities
- Female Advocacy Lab to promote leadership among women in EIM, discuss with women scientists & role-models.
Dolores Iglesias - Chile, Argentina & Peru Human Resources Director, Santiago
Initiate date • Duration
06.09.2022 • 13 months