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Cambodia: Professional integration for young people

Economic & social  development

Cambodia: Professional integration for young people

Objective: Ensure the professional integration of underprivileged young Cambodians in Phnom Penh

  • Status

    Project completed

  • Location Cambodia

This project will consist in improving the living conditions of 93 students (including a majority of girls) by renovating their shelter, used for habitation and education in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. The children come from orphanages from around the country.

The shelter will get a new roof, solar panels for energy supply, and a sports field. The aim is to provide them with a safe and healthy environment for them to learn skills for future employment.

Partner: Enfants d'Asie

Sponsor: Chris Howe Legal Counsel in Singapore

  • Promoter

    Thibault le Mesnil - Project Sourcing Manager in Singapore

  • Duration

    22 months