Brazil: Viver de bike
Brazil: Viver de bike
Train vulnerable youth repair bicycles and encourage entrepreneurship and adoption of sustainable mobility
Project completed
- Location Sao Paulo
Through Viver de bike, Alstom Foundation and Aromeiazero Institute are seeking to create a cooperative and autonomous hub that will promote social development, healthy living spaces in poor communities and empower local people.
Viver de bike is an income generation and employability program with a focus on mobility. Around 90 students from poor communities will receive 60 hours’ worth of coaching on mechanics (on how to repair a bike) and entrepreneurship. Six open classes will be conducted for 600 people (100 per class) to encourage the use of non-motorized vehicles for professional and personal use.
Over time, we expect the Viver de bike program to become a replicable social movement that is implemented in different territories across Brazil and throughout the world.
Partner: Aromeiazero Institute

Rossana Tommasi – Talent & CSR Director LAM
Initiate date • Duration
28.09.2018 • 13 months