Brazil: Transforming favelas - Training and employment opportunities for young people living in Baixada Fluminense
Brazil: Transforming favelas - Training and employment opportunities for young people living in Baixada Fluminense
- Location Rio de Janeiro
The aim of this project is to reduce school dropout, educational poverty and youth unemployment in Nova Iguaçu, a suburb characterised by social exclusion & economic marginalisation. The goal of the project is to:
1/ Strengthen educational & professional offer for young adults through 11 professional training courses (gastronomy & agro-food processing, computer science, photography, electricity, security, mechanic, etc)
2/ Implement specific programmes for young adults’ job placement in local entreprises (internships)
3/ Experiment entrepreneurship through 8 new micro-enterprises set up by youths who will receive a grant for undertaking their autonomous professional path (hair styling, electricity or agro-food processing)
4/ Advocacy for contrasting educational poverty & violence (dissemination of research on violence with the support of local community, advocacy actions & events).
Partner NGO: Casa do Menor Italia Onlus
Diego Chiabrando - Software Verification & Test Engineer, Savigliano
Initiate date • Duration
10.09.2024 • 12 months