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Brazil: Creation of a training centre in Vila Pridente favela

Economic & social  development

Brazil: Creation of a training centre in Vila Pridente favela

Objective: this training center for a favelas vulnerable youth will help enhance their employability

  • Status

    Project completed

  • Location Brazil

One of the consequences of the unprecedented economic crisis that Brazil is currently going through is a rise in the unemployment rate, especially within the most vulnerable and least qualified segment of the population.  

Arca do Saber, a Franco-Brazilian NGO has been managing a center for children and teenagers for 15 years in Vila Pridente favela near Sao Paulo. The NGO now plans to build, next to this center, a professional training center for 15-24 year olds. The aim is to allow vulnerable young people to get  short but good quality training which provides a nationally recognized diploma, thereby allowing them to enter the job market quickly.  The new building will welcome 120 students during three different six month professional training periods.


Partner: Arca do Saber

Sponsor: F. Rolim LAM C+B HR Dir

  • Promoter

    L. Buyssonade HR Coordr

  • Duration

    15 months