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Brazil: Alternative garden sewage station

Economic & social  development

Brazil: Alternative garden sewage station

Objective: Promote suitable sewage treatment stations in small communities using special plants and sand filters.

  • Status

    Project completed

  • Location Renden

Objective: promote suitable sewage treatment stations in small communities using special plants and sand filters

Small communities without proper sewage treatment systems are exposed to increased health risks. These systems are often prohibitively expensive, but new low cost alternatives exist. In the small village of Rendenção da Serra, in eastern São Paolo, the Alstom Foundation is supporting a project that promotes sewage treatment stations in small communities based on technology developed by Taubaté University.

The technology uses sand filters in combination with the use of a special garden containing a variety of plants which favour sewage disposal. The Rotary Club Taubaté Jacques Felix, a partner in the project, is responsible for the project execution while Taubaté University manage the engineering and supervision of the alternative sewage treatment station installation and later, the measurement and assessment of the results.

As well as providing sanitation to local families, the project also:

  • creates wetlands to support the alternative sewage system
  • connects schools and teachers' residence to the sewage system
  • connects the sewage system to the local health centre,
  • mobilises a team of a teacher and several students to educate the local community

The Rotary Club Taubaté Jacques Felix 

The University of Taubaté