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Bhutan: Eco stoves for a rural community

Economic & social  development

Bhutan: Eco stoves for a rural community

Objective: The introduction of efficient and low-emission cooking stoves to the local community to reduce environmental pollution and related health effects

  • Status

    Project completed

  • Location Bhutan

This project will cover purchasing and distribution of eco stoves for rural communities in the central district of Dagana. 

Bhutan lies in the Eastern Himalayas and the Royal Government considers electrification a priority to reduce poverty and enhance sustainable development.  

The locals' consumption of wood and other biomass for cooking and heating can be reduced thanks to the stoves, stopping in-house pollution and the degradation to the forests. 

Partner: Tarayana Foundation 

The Foundation works towards building a happy and prosperous Bhutan. It was established in 2003 and focuses on helping remote communities lacking in socio-economic development. The Foundation thrives to develop volunteerism amongst the Bhutanese youth, together with improving access to health services and children's right to education and fostering micro-finance.

Sponsor: Norbert Fürnkranz

  • Promoter

    Daniel Tappeiner

  • Duration

    1 year