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Australia: Rebuilding a community hall in Callignee

Economic & social  development

Australia: Rebuilding a community hall in Callignee

Objective: Applying eco-design to rebuild a community hall destroyed by bushfire.

  • Status

    Project completed

  • Location Callignee, Victoria state, Australia.

Objective: Applying eco-design to rebuild a community hall destroyed by bushfire.

The Community Hall in Callignee was an important centre of city life, used for playgroups, social functions and more. It was destroyed in the Black Sunday bushfires, in which extreme weather conditions lit over 400 individual fires that killed 170 people, the greatest loss of life from bushfires in Australia. The Alstom Foundation put its weight behind the reconstruction of the hall using the technologies at its disposal.
In line with the Latrobe City Council's sustainability plans, the Alstom Foundation will make the community hub more eco-friendly by contributing to the overall investment in:

  • solar-water heaters,
  • eco-friendly sustainable materials,
  • heating and insulation,
  • a rain water harvesting system,
  • a grey water system and more. 

The Latrobe City Council is the municipal body with authority over the Churchill, Moe/Newborough, Morwell, Traralgon urban centres and several smaller townships, including Callignee. Latrobe Valley is located only 70 minutes from the outskirts of Melbourne with a population of over 75,000 residents.

Visit the Latrobe City Council website

  • Duration

    1 year