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Algeria: Renovation of Draria SOS Children's Village

Economic & social  development

Algeria: Renovation of Draria SOS Children's Village

Objective: Renovation of buildings providing homes to 142 children deprived of their biological families

  • Status

    Project completed

  • Location Algiers, Algeria

The NGO SOS Children's Village initially began its work in Draria, just south of Algiers in 1981. In recent years, it expanded family strengthening programmes in the region so as to reach as many struggling families as possible. The aim is to alleviate hardship and maintain family stability so that children will be safe, protected and grow up in a loving home. There are SOS Social Centres in Draria, Corso, Naciria, Tipaza and Tizi Ouzou, reaching over 1,500 people.

The premises of SOS Children's Village in Draria urgently need renovating to provide a safe and comfortable home to the 142 children living there.

Partner NGO: SOS Village dEnfants, Algeria

Sponsor: H. Bussery  MD Algeria

  • Promoter

    N. Fraoucene Project Mgr. Algiers Tram

  • Duration

    1 year